ic_bus 208

East Peckham - Pembury Henwood Green

via Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Hospital

Service Updates

208 Diversion

It has come to our attention that there is roadworks in Three Mile Lane between Golden Green and Hadlow Road. The driver struggled to get past the roadworks because of this the buses will divert via seven mile lane. The bus will be unable to serve Golden Green. We apologise for any inconveniences caused.

Affected Services:

  • bus_16_grey 208


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 208 - Pembury - Tonbridge - East Peckham

  SDO           SDO NSD SDO  
Stone Court Lane
Henwood Green (at)
07:45 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:00 --- 16:40
Baptist Church
Henwood Green (E)
07:46 09:31 10:31 11:31 12:31 13:31 14:31 15:01 --- 16:41
Bo-Peep Corner
Pembury (Stop D)
07:49 09:35 10:35 11:34 12:34 13:34 14:34 15:05 --- 16:45
The Camden Arms
Pembury (Stop A)
07:52 09:37 10:37 11:36 12:36 13:36 14:36 15:07 --- 16:47
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Pembury (S)
07:58 09:42 10:42 11:41 12:41 13:41 14:40 15:10 --- 16:52
Vauxhall Inn
Tonbridge (NW)
08:06 09:48 10:48 11:47 12:47 13:47 14:46 15:16 --- 16:58
Hectorage Road
Tonbridge (E-bound)
08:09 09:51 10:51 11:50 12:50 13:49 14:48 15:19 15:46 17:01
Weald of Kent School
Tonbridge (W)
08:13 09:55 10:53 11:52 12:52 13:51 14:50 15:21 15:51 17:03
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop I) Arrive
08:19 10:00 10:57 11:57 12:55 13:54 --- --- 15:56 17:08
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop I) Depart
08:20 10:01 11:01 12:01 13:01 14:01 14:53 15:24 16:00 17:09
Tonbridge (Stop C)
08:23 10:04 11:04 12:05 13:05 14:05 14:57 15:25 16:02 17:12
Uridge Road
Cage Green (N)
08:27 10:06 11:06 12:07 13:07 14:07 --- 15:28 16:05 17:14
Winchester Road
Cage Green (E)
08:30 10:08 11:08 12:10 13:10 14:10 --- 15:30 16:08 17:16
Petrol Station
Higham Wood (E)
08:35 10:13 11:13 12:13 13:13 14:13 --- 15:36 16:14 17:21
The Man of Kent
Little Mill (NE)
08:41 10:18 11:18 12:18 13:18 14:18 --- 15:42 16:20 17:27
Orchard Road
East Peckham (E)
08:44 10:22 11:22 12:22 13:22 14:22 --- 15:46 16:24 17:30
East Peckham (S)
08:47 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 --- 15:48 16:26 17:32
Branbridges Road
East Peckham (N)
08:48 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 --- 15:49 16:27 17:33

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • SDO
    • School Days Only
  • NSD
    • Non School Days

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 208 - East Peckham - Tonbridge - Pembury

  SDO NSD           SDO NSD SDO    
East Peckham (N)
07:20 07:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:00 --- 16:40 17:40
Orchard Road
East Peckham (W)
07:23 07:33 09:33 10:33 11:33 12:33 13:33 14:33 15:03 --- 16:42 17:43
The Man of Kent
Little Mill (SW)
07:27 07:37 09:37 10:36 11:36 12:36 13:36 14:36 15:07 --- 16:45 17:47
Three Elm Lane
Higham Wood (SW)
07:35 07:45 09:44 10:42 11:42 12:42 13:42 14:42 15:13 --- 16:51 17:53
Winchester Road
Cage Green (W)
07:40 07:50 09:50 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:47 14:45 15:18 --- 16:55 17:57
Uridge Road
Cage Green (S)
07:45 07:54 09:53 10:49 11:49 12:49 13:50 14:48 15:21 --- 16:57 18:00
Tonbridge (Stop E)
07:50 07:58 09:56 10:53 11:53 12:53 13:54 14:50 15:25 15:55 17:01 18:04
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop J2) Arrive
--- --- 09:59 10:57 11:57 12:57 13:57 --- --- --- --- ---
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop J2) Depart
08:00 08:06 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 --- 15:27 16:00 17:06 18:06
Hectorage Road
Tonbridge (E-bound)
08:11 08:11 10:04 11:04 12:04 13:04 14:03 --- 15:30 16:05 17:08 18:10
Weald of Kent School
Tonbridge (W)
08:15 08:15 10:06 11:06 12:06 13:06 14:05 --- 15:32 16:09 17:10 18:12
Vauxhall Inn
Tonbridge (SE)
08:17 08:17 10:07 11:07 12:07 13:07 14:06 --- 15:33 16:10 17:11 18:13
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Pembury (S)
08:23 08:23 10:14 11:14 12:14 13:14 14:14 --- 15:39 16:17 17:17 18:18
The Camden Arms
Pembury (Stop B)
08:30 08:30 10:18 11:18 12:18 13:17 14:17 --- 15:42 16:23 17:20 18:20
Bo-Peep Corner
Pembury (Stop B)
08:33 08:33 10:20 11:20 12:20 13:19 14:19 --- 15:45 16:26 17:23 18:22
Baptist Church
Henwood Green (W)
08:37 08:37 10:23 11:23 12:23 13:23 14:23 --- 15:49 16:29 17:27 18:25
Stone Court Lane
Henwood Green (at)
08:38 08:38 10:24 11:24 12:24 13:24 14:24 --- 15:50 16:30 17:28 18:26

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Journey notes

  • SDO
    • School Days Only
  • NSD
    • Non School Days

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 208 - Pembury - Tonbridge - East Peckham

Stone Court Lane
Henwood Green (at)
09:30 11:26 14:00 16:30
Baptist Church
Henwood Green (E)
09:31 11:27 14:01 16:31
Bo-Peep Corner
Pembury (Stop D)
09:34 11:30 14:04 16:34
The Camden Arms
Pembury (Stop A)
09:37 11:33 14:07 16:37
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Pembury (S)
09:42 11:38 14:12 16:42
Vauxhall Inn
Tonbridge (NW)
09:48 11:44 14:18 16:48
Hectorage Road
Tonbridge (E-bound)
09:50 11:46 14:20 16:50
Weald of Kent School
Tonbridge (W)
09:52 11:48 14:22 16:52
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop I)
09:57 11:53 14:27 16:57
Tonbridge (Stop C)
10:02 11:58 14:32 17:02
Uridge Road
Cage Green (N)
10:05 12:01 14:35 17:05
Winchester Road
Cage Green (E)
10:08 12:04 14:38 17:08
Petrol Station
Higham Wood (E)
10:12 12:08 14:42 17:12
The Man of Kent
Little Mill (NE)
10:19 12:15 14:49 17:19
Orchard Road
East Peckham (E)
10:23 12:19 14:53 17:23
East Peckham (S)
10:25 12:21 14:55 17:25
Branbridges Road
East Peckham (N)
10:26 12:22 14:56 17:26

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 208 - East Peckham - Tonbridge - Pembury

East Peckham (N)
07:30 10:28 13:00 15:00
Orchard Road
East Peckham (W)
07:32 10:30 13:02 15:02
The Man of Kent
Little Mill (SW)
07:35 10:35 13:07 15:07
Three Elm Lane
Higham Wood (SW)
07:41 10:41 13:13 15:13
Winchester Road
Cage Green (W)
07:44 10:45 13:17 15:17
Uridge Road
Cage Green (S)
07:47 10:49 13:21 15:21
Tonbridge (Stop E)
07:50 10:53 13:25 15:25
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop J2) Arrive
--- 10:55 13:27 15:27
Quarry Hill Parade
Tonbridge (Stop J2) Depart
07:52 10:56 13:28 15:28
Hectorage Road
Tonbridge (E-bound)
07:56 11:01 13:33 15:33
Weald of Kent School
Tonbridge (W)
07:57 11:03 13:35 15:35
Vauxhall Inn
Tonbridge (SE)
07:58 11:04 13:36 15:36
Tunbridge Wells Hospital
Pembury (S)
08:02 11:10 13:42 15:42
The Camden Arms
Pembury (Stop B)
08:04 11:15 13:47 15:47
Bo-Peep Corner
Pembury (Stop B)
08:07 11:17 13:49 15:49
Baptist Church
Henwood Green (W)
08:12 11:21 13:53 15:53
Stone Court Lane
Henwood Green (at)
08:13 11:23 13:55 15:55

Timetable notes

  • Not including bank holidays

Generated on 24/09/2024 01:15